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How To Train Your Cat

How To Train Your Cat

Many pet owners are under the impression that cats can’t be trained because they do not respond the same way that dogs do. However, any animal with the proper behavioral reinforcement can be trained. Cats are very intelligent animals and can be trained to do many tricks and behave in a way that you see fit.  I’m not saying that training a cat is easy, but it can be done. It will require a lot of patience and some creativity, but your cat will respond to training. To begin, you must first understand your cat. Cats are nothing like dogs....

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10 Symptoms of Diabetes in Dogs

10 Symptoms of Diabetes in Dogs

Diabetes can be a challenging condition to manage, especially in pets that cannot verbally communicate how they feel. Recognizing the symptoms of diabetes in dogs can help pet owners manage their dog’s disease more easily, avoiding severe complications that could become life-threatening. About Diabetes Diabetes – more formally known as Diabetes mellitus – is when a dog’s body does not make enough insulin or has an abnormal reaction to insulin. Insulin is responsible for transporting glucose (sugar) into the body’s cells for energy. With diabetes, however, glucose builds up in the blood because there is not enough insulin to move...

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Do Cats Need High-Protein Cat Food?

Do Cats Need High-Protein Cat Food?

There are an overwhelming number of brands and blends of cat food on the market, and it can be a challenge to choose the most nutritious options for your feline friend. One of the first considerations is do cats need high-protein cat food? Understanding cats’ dietary needs can help you choose the best food for your cat. What Nutrition Cats Need Cats are obligate carnivores, animals that have evolved to eat mostly meat and to derive necessary nutrition from meat diets rather than plant material. In contrast, humans and dogs are both omnivores, able to get the nutrition they need...

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